Bulletin of World Report on the Culture of Peace for April/May 2007

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce a new website (http://cpnn-world.org ) designed to report the good news that you have been sending us on the advances toward a culture of peace. This website is essential because your good work is seldom reported by the mass media, which focuses on war and violence. The new website is based on a previous website of the Culture Of Peace News Network (http://cpnn-usa.org) which we have maintained for several years for the United States).

The new website is simple to use:

• Write a 300-400 word news report
• Respond to comments by a moderator who will check your report for clarity
• Register for DiscussionBoard (takes 24 hours)
• Log in to the Discussion Board to post your comments on any report

Since the World Civil Society Report on the Culture of Peace was completed in 2005, many of you have sent me updates about the good work that your organization continues to do for a culture of peace. As you know we made a website for mass media reports of the culture of peace athttp://decade-culture-of-peace.org/news/cgi-bin/ib4/ikonboard.cgi. Now we don't have to wait for the mass media, but you can publish your information directly on the new website.

Please go to http://cpnn-world.org and write your own news report about events or media that promote a culture of peace. It may be something that you and your organization have done, or something that your read or saw in the media that promotes one or more aspects of a culture of peace (human rights, democratic participation, understanding, tolerance and solidarity, sustainable development, free flow of information, equality of women, peace education or disarmament).

Also add your comments to the DiscussionBoard which already hundreds of questions that have already been raised. Your comments may be on your own story or to any story previously submitted.

If your news report cannot be stated in only 300-400 words, then you should send it to us in two parts. The first part, a summary of 300-400 words, will be used as a news report, and the rest of the report will be put on the DiscussionBoard.

As we begin the new website, news reports must be in English, while discussion may be in any language. Hopefully, by the end of the year we can also allow French and Spanish for the news reports. And in a few years we hope to have other websites in other language scripts. A Japanese site already exists at http://www.cpnn.net and there is discussion for an Arabic site.

If you have further questions about the new website, see the page on frequently-asked questions at http://cpnn-world.org/moderating/moderating.html, or send your question to our email address below.

On another matter, you have all received previously an invitation to sign and promote the Statement in favor of Life, of Peace, of Equality which is being circulated by the Fundacion Cultura de Paz. If you have not already done so, please go to the website at http://www.fund-culturadepaz.org/PEACE.htm and sign the Statement on line.


David Adams